A Europa enfrenta actualmente um dos seus maiores desafios: sobreviver com a configuração que lhe conhecemos.
As notícias que nos chegam dessa mesma Europa revelam o quão frágil e precário é o entendimento acerca da manutenção do status quo. Temo bem que estejamos a assistir ao início do colapso de uma certa concepção do mundo que inaugurou auspiciosamente o novo século. O que se irá passar a seguir será, dados os ajustamentos estruturais que inevitavelmente se seguirão, pavoroso, principalmente para uma geração que aprendeu a viver em segurança e com uma certa qualidade de vida minimamente garantida.
O extracto do artigo que cito abaixo está publicado no site de análise político-económica do ZeroHedge.com
Eurozone must be honest: Big haircuts for bond
holders, debt limits for all, says Die Zeit (article
in German). The drama of saving European banks that hold Greek debt, and the
debt of other tottering Eurozone nations, has been going on for a year and a
half. Each effort to keep Greece on track follows the familiar script.
Politicians promise spending cuts. Greeks demonstrate. E.U. inspectors check
things out and leave angry. Germans declare that Greece will not get any relief
until it fixes its problems. Then Greece notices that it needs yet more money
and threatens to default. Germany nods. And the next installment gets
By now, all hope for a happy ending has
dissipated. Greece is suffering from a multitude of problems that defy quick
fixes, among them a huge pile of debt, an inept and corrupt fiscal system where
taxes are simply not collected, dysfunctional institutions, and a
government-dominated economy. Even unlimited amounts of money can only defer the
end game.
But there are already victims. The most recent
one: The concept of an independent, apolitical central bank whose primary
purpose is guarding the value of the currency, rather than monetizing the debt
of countries that have spent beyond their means.
Wolf Richter - www.testosteronepit.com